In 2015 many in the type community celebrated Frederic W. Goudy's 150th birthday. Early in 2015 serendipity played a hand in our uncovering Old Style Extra Bold among our hundreds of wood type patterns.
The story behind these patterns is a curious one. In 2010, Virgin Wood Type purchased many of the wood type patterns that had comprised American Wood Type Mfg. Co. (AWT). In looking through AWT specimen books, we have yet to discover this font being offered. David Shields, a wood type researcher at Virginia Commonwealth University, posits that possibly these patterns were secured by AWT when it purchased Acme Wood Type or Empire Type Foundry. Specimen books from these two companies have not shown Goudy Old Style Extra Bold, but it must be noted that only a few specimen books from Acme and Empire are in existence.
Production Note: we cut all fonts to order. A typical delivery is 2 to 4 months after placing an order.