Frank Romano Visits Virgin Wood Type

Posted by: Matt Rieck 10 years, 5 months ago

In August of this year, Frank Romano stopped by the Virgin Wood Type shop because he was surprised to learn about the revival of wood type manufacturing. Romano is world-famous in the printing and publishing industries for his vast knowledge, unmatched ability to talk about both in a way that is interesting, and professor emeritus at RIT. In his capacity as a forensic typographer, he has served as an expert in trials where authenticating printed documents by analyzing letterforms to establish dating of said document. His publications are too numerous to list, yet his most recent work, History of the Linotype Company, has created a fervor in the letterpress community. Needless to say, when Frank asked to stop by VWT world headquarters, we were happy to oblige.

While here he videotaped Geri talking about manufacturing wood type for an installment in his series on the website,, which specializes in the printing and publishing industries. Frank has kindly shared the video with us so that we could post it here. Thank you, Frank, for visiting and for sharing our story.

Watch the video on our YouTube channel. 

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