Every Which Way

Posted by: Matt Rieck 11 years, 1 month ago

Here at Virgin Wood Type (VWT) world headquarters, every dawn springs with the potential of finding a gem passed over or forgotten. For instance, in November while looking through a box of shapes from American Wood Type (AWT) Geri came across some beat up arrows. One was curved, and the other was your standard-issue arrow. Knowing that our pantograph would not take kindly to such roughed-up patterns, she had the proverbial light bulb moment. Why not redraw these arrow patterns and offer them for sale? Well, who can stop at two arrows? Not VWT.

Shortly after the new year I walked into the office and saw Geri waist-high in print specimen books. Zombie-eyed after pouring through a variety of source material, she told me that she’d found more arrows to offer along with the AWT originals. Working in Illustrator Geri drew these arrows with abandon. (Imagine Edward Scissorhands in the movie of the same name trimming and sculpting the hedges with wild abandon and amazing artistry.) Derek also jumped in to draw the arrowhead pattern.

By the by, Geri’s goal when looking for additional arrows was to widen the offering: art deco, feather, and arrowhead. As a printer herself, Geri knows that she’d want a specific stylized arrow, like the deco arrow, to work with Preissig Scrape on a broadside instead of the feather arrow.

Additionally, David Wolske’s awesome Aldine arrow is now available for sale by itself. Aldine arrow

Our arrow collection may grow if we should come across one that speaks to us. Better yet, dear letterpress community, if you come across an arrow that you think would rock in wood, please send us a picture of it and we might just cut it.

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